Rajiv Gandhi National Park (Nagarahole)
Rajiv Gandhi National Park (Nagarahole) Conceptual (Abstract) Considered by one master to be the 'best tiger turf in the nation' Nagarahole is additionally a standout amongst the best places to see Asiatic Elephants. It is a piece of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, which comprises of an adjacent complex of Protected Areas. The park gets its name from the 'Nagarahole' or Snake River which moves through the Northern end of the Park. The Southern end is depleted by the Kabini stream which has now been dammed to make a huge repository, quite a bit of which exists in the Park. The waters of the lake bolster crocodile and otter. Different creatures incorporate Leopard, Wild Dog, Gaur, Sambar, Chital and Barking Deer. The birdlife of Nagarahole is especially energizing with Malabar Trogon, Indian Great Black Woodpecker, Blyh's Baza, Crested Serpent Eagles, Osprey,Peregrine Falcon, Scarlet Minivets, Blackheaded Cuckoo Shrikes, different types of Barbets, Owls, Cucko...